
The Founders Circle

How you can go from novice writer to original thought leader (In 6 steps)

Published 5 months ago • 3 min read

Sean Whitmore

Founder | Lucid Creative Co. + Moon Tower

Hi! I'm Sean. I'm on a mission to help founders, creatives, and marketers empower their brand growth through the art of storytelling, technology, and creative. With 11 years of experience in video/photo production, marketing, and business ownership, I currently run a creative agency + studio that helps brands create meaningful assets, build engaged audiences, and implement marketing workflows that turn strangers into lifetime customers.

Thank you for being on this journey with me. Let's grow together. 👏🏻

Hey Reader,

Happy Monday 👋🏻

We’re taught from an early age to follow societal norms.

Stay in line. Don’t color outside the lines. Go to college. Get a job. Sound familiar?

Even today, society is morphing us into what it wants us to be. Whether that be by design for the gains of corporate profit or by chance, I’ll leave you to ponder…

Numerous calls with business professionals like yourself have left me flabbergasted by the thought of how many people are using a personal brand to build business growth.

However, many fail to breach the surface level and see the results of engagement or monetary gains. All of this leaves us in a game of echoing copycat, or worse—

  • A rabbit hole of YouTube tutorials only to mentally masturbate around the idea of what you could be
  • Posting surface-level things like “5 ways to achieve x, y, and z.” or “3 benefits of x, y, z”
  • An approach of just talking about yourself or your business. (I.E. My business is great because we’re the fastest, most equipped, or the best in the industry segment)
  • Or ignoring your potential entirely and not dedicating the time to explore

Now ask yourself, “Do I really expect myself or my business to become what I know it’s meant to be with these objections?”

The big problem is that we're living in an ultra-competitive world. Attention is scarce, right? Or is it?

Maybe attention isn’t scarce because of the quantity of content we’re blasted with, but the quality of value delivered on our attention.

I say this because I know many people, myself included, who can sit down and binge-watch a Netflix show.

Remember, “marketing is about spreading ideas, and spreading ideas is the single most important output of our civilization” Seth Godin.

So, what would life look like if you:

  • Acquired the writing skills to be more persuasive through email, social content, landing pages, website, video content, and blogging?
  • Increased your perceived value by moving an audience with your thoughts?
  • Explored your own self-awareness and adopted the clarity to formulate compelling arguments and use your personal story to be the change you seek?

But first, what makes up the construction of copywriting?

Let me preface the framework i’m about to show you with helping you understand what great writing is supposed to do.

The qualities of good copywriting:

  • It breaks through clutter
  • It has an excellent lead (or hook)
  • It’s readable (keep it simple)
  • It knows its audience
  • It makes its value proposition clear
  • It describes benefits, not features
  • It’s optimized for search
  • It supports a call to action

A 6-step framework on how to go from novice writer to original thought leader. (The note- to-self method)

  • (Step 1) Get started: List out 4-5 of your unique interests.
  • (Step 2) Ideate & brainstorm: Write out 6-10 bullet points on where you (or your business) were 2 steps ago in your life or career along with the challenges you faced. I say write to yourself because, as entrepreneurs, creatives, marketers, and business professionals, we usually have the best insight into who our customers are on a deeper level because we’ve been there before.
  • (Step 3) Create a topic: From those challenges, think about a topic of conversation you want to explore further.
  • (Step 4) Choose an angle: (This will help you craft a snazzy below surface head-line and open a curiosity loop). Do this by writing to any of the 8 human desires (survival, life extension, enjoyment of life, sexual companionship, comfortable lifestyle, to be superior and successful, freedom from fear/pain, care and protection of loved ones, social approval and, enjoyment of food)
  • (Step 5) Create an argument: Arguments are formed by—
    • Outlining a big problem.
    • Painting a picture of the perceived benefits through your solution. (Add in a personal story to make it resonate)
    • Handling objections.
    • Delivering value.
  • (Step 6) Create flow and distribute: Decide on the best topics and—
    • Expand on the idea in a long-form article for SEO value.
    • Parse the big ideas and turn them into short pieces of original content across your social platforms. (I’ve found that one long-form article yields about 5-7 pieces of content to keep up with my posting schedule.)

(Here's an example of how I used the framework)

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are a few ways I can help you:

#1: Ready to take the guesswork out of your creative + marketing and make it profitable? Let's Chat. >>>Click here to schedule your free growth strategy call.

#2: Give us a follow on >>>Instagram. We're putting a lot of energy into valuable content that helps business owners, marketers, and creatives stay ahead of the curve.

#3: Follow me personally on >>>LinkedIn for more insights, marketing tips, and systems for growth.

Thanks for reading! If you loved it, tell your friends to subscribe. If you didn’t enjoy the email you can unsubscribe here. To change your email or preferences manage your profile.

© Lucid Media Group, LLC.

PO Box 55051 , Hurst, TX 76054

The Founders Circle

Sean Whitmore

Hi! I'm Sean. I'm on a mission to help founders, creatives, and marketers empower their brand growth through the art of storytelling, technology, and creative. With 11 years of experience in video/photo production, marketing, and business ownership, I currently run a creative agency + studio that helps brands create meaningful assets, build engaged audiences, and implement marketing workflows that turn strangers into lifetime customers.

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